hi readers.
this is not a wedding blog. more to personal diary.
it took some time for me to write this post.
i'm sad.
i cried.
heart broken.
my wedding cancelled. don't ask why. i pun tak sure how this things screwed like this.
now, i'm having a big crisis. not appropriate to spill it here. biarlah i saja yang tahu.
kalau ada jodoh, tak kemana. i guess in my case, tak ke mana-mana. i serik nak bercinta, honestly.
i prefer with open relationship. both parties got no commitment. so mat saleh. lols.
2 june 2012, i will miss this date, the preparation towards it, excitement, sharing ideas, etc. maybe date tu i pergi holiday/umrah.. i won't be around for sure. sorry for those yang buat wedding during that date. i don't want to be your wedding crasher :P
i know, every people ada dugaan masing-masing nak kahwin. i know.
but mine, it was horrible.
rasa nak lari jauh-jauh, jerit kuat-kuat, nangis sepuas hati, shopping, pastu dance sampai tak boleh nak berdiri. nice one.
doakan i dapat sambung belajar jauh-jauh, dapat kerja tetap, banyak duit, kurang dugaan yang besar-besar, iman sentiasa teguh, tak mudah patah semangat, sentiasa hot walaupun umur da naik banyak nombor (takde kaitan). lol.
i will close sume story pasal wedding. kalau teringat, susah. banjir lagi mukaku ini.
bye people. mat saleh cakap, turn over a new leaf.
i will never close this blog. tapi i cerita pasal selain daripada wedding stuffs.

. Hugs . Hugs . Hugs .
♥ Lana ♥
Oh dear... I've been following ur blog and it is such a shocking news. Anyhow, life's go on. i know u are strong enough to go through this insyaAllah. big hugs from me, Lana...
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