my blogging mood turn upside down. not constant. i love reading blogs. but meeee, when the blogging mood is not 'there', all my fingers feel so heavy to lift up & write new entry. haha. this will be a long post (lump sum in 1 entry).
DIY Bunga Pahar Using Fabric Flower
talking about preparation, my mission to DIY bunga pahar is accomplished. yea! yahoo!!

I planned to make 110 flowers only. but mom took 2 flowers to give to my aunty for sample. yes, 2 flowers only. *oh mom you're so mean. 2 flowers took +/- 3 hours to complete, you know*. now i have to squeeze more time & energy to make it 2 flowers more. pffttt -_-
I am not such a patient person.only God knows how I push myself to do this DIY stuffs. I sew the flowers, mum & sis will do the net casing, the holder and the final finishing. the toughest part was done by me. * clap clap* my DIY bunga pahar were all handmade with love. it means that it did not involve any sewing machine, hiring someone to do it, etc. i sew every single items & details on my bunga pahar. no glue are required. rajin kan?
At the early stage, I managed to get 3 flowers only, then count the total flowers that I've made. continue sewing again 2-3 flowers, then recount. very tak penyabar punya orang. haha. after I completed about 40 flowers, I almost give up. like seriously I'm so tired with DIY thingy. sigh. Dearest mum keep babbling about my pending project. I forced myself real hard to get it done. Unfortunately, i'm having backpain when the total flower hits number 70. lucky number. I stopped my project for about 3-4 weeks.
Last week, I continued to DIY again. Its not fair to give up on such a little thing. btw, I'm half way done. I sew, sew and sew ignoring the total numbers of flowers that I've made. *yeah, I lied. I sew about 10 flowers, then count, sew, recount. improvement right? hahaha -_-*
Voila! I completed my goal.. and accidentally I got 3 extra flowers. I miscalculated the total flowers, then I sew more than what I planned! so total, I got 115 bunga pahar. minus 2 flowers reserved for my aunty. Happy & satisfied with the ending. I'm proud with myself too *perasan*
if someone wants to tiru like me, email/gives credit to me. * kejam gila* haha. no laaa. the process is quite complicated, so I'm willing to help and provide some tips if you ask me personally.
this is my version of fabric bunga pahar.
sorry, the quality pictures from mobile phone were quite bad. time ni tak berapa kemas sangat. time awal-awal buat. it improves slowly. i made several colours. the first & second layer made from chiffon, third layer is cotton polka dot. net tu akan letak wajik and tied up. ♥ ♥ ♥ it!
the tutorial how to make Fabric Bunga Pahar
1. fabric flower (i learnt from international website. forgot the link)

2. the holder

rajin kan i? bersungguh-sungguh edit gambar buat collage gitu. guna paint je tau. damn difficult & leceh!
3. the net casing (to put wajik/egg inside)
- no pics. will update later
4. the final finishing
- no pics. will update later
First Fitting
I went to my very first fitting on last friday (16 march 2012). All my family's attire was designed & tailor by Dato Roy Azman. My reception dress also done by his team. I was very excited & satisfied with my dress even it is not a complete real dress yet. It met my expectations. I'm so in love with my dress. sebijik macam I design & draw. *dreaming*
I'm really hope this feeling will last forever. haha. If my bridezilla mode turned on, everyone will run away leaving me with negative thoughts & they will complain how banyak songeh I am. believe me. haha.
Wanda' dress inspiration

no need to explain. if you are a true Malaysian, you will know him (the designer) & her (the model) :p
Wanda's real dress

the material used is satin crepe. the cost is about RM18 per metre (if I'm not mistaken). Dato Roy needed 3.5 metre only. He bought the kain by himself. The border lace cost RM70 per metre. We bought 1.5 metre at Jakel. quite expensive for me. the workmanship cost RM500. quite pricey jugak.
Estimation Total Cost for Wanda's Dress: Material RM18 x 3.5 = RM63
+Border lace RM 70 x 1.5 = 105
+Workmanship = RM500
The estimation total cost = RM668
the workmanship is neat, superb & meet my requirements. the cutting is almost purrr.. fect! my jaw was dropping when I saw her dress for the 1st time. this pic didn't judge the real prettiness. it looks far much better upfront. i'm quite choosy when it comes to workmanship. you can trust my taste. hihihi :p
Hafiy's baju melayu

I didn't design any baju melayu for guys. This ss Dato Roy's signature design. Modern contemporary baju melayu. I didn't take a picture from the back. the baju got unique design at the back. Dato Roy mixed around with two different fabrics. Hafiy will match his baju with blue songket sampin and pearl butang baju melayu. This Workmanship also great! Nice isn't?
The cost? For guys attire in my family, we spent more on the material itself, to balance with the cheap upah. haha. It's baju melayu, friends. the standard workmanship cost is between RM70-350 only. Pity if u guys. *jangan marah*
the material used is Valentro silk or Valentro satin. something sound like that The cost about RM33 per metre. for Hafiy, we bought 5 metre. the workmanship is RM150. actual price is RM300. Since we invested alot on Dato' Roy's boutique, he gave us great discount. 50% for guy's attire only. Great bargain. happyyy... :D
Estimation Total Cost for Hafiy's Baju Melayu: Material RM33 x 5 = RM165
+Workmanship = RM150
The estimation total cost = RM315
No teaser for my baju. haha. Will review after the real event. Mum's dress need alteration. ketat. haha. Dad's baju melayu also need alteration. Yasmin's dress is still on the making.
Dato Roy Azman from Roy Busana Anggun highly recommended for both man & woman's attire. I love the outcome.
That's all for now. till then readers. salam.
. Hugs . Hugs . Hugs .
♥ Lana ♥
Wow, cptnye ur first fitting. My first fitting on the first week in May.. a month before the actual wedding la.. cant wait to see ur dress!
i memang tempah baju since last year lagi. my second fitting will be on 21 may. can't wait! excited gila :D nanti i review dress reception i tau after the event.
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