Monday, February 6, 2012

Wedding - 4 months++ left


on a very very fine friday night (?), my mum suddenly popped out this statement

"porch rumah dah siap. lepas ni nak tambah batu lekat-lekat kat dinding, lepas ni letak fountain, why not buat majlis nikah kat rumah. its merrier compared to buat kat masjid"

selalu dia yang cakap i bridezilla. sekarang dia yang mom-zilla. haha. after estimating & calculating all the aspects involved, we cancelled to do it at my house.

my nikah will be held on 2 june 2012,on the same day and same place for my reception.

"since we have invested alot at the hall, why not we lump sum it together and make it 1 day event only?.. it saves costs, time & energy" mom said.

fine mum. fine. now, I have many works to do. i need to contact & inform all my vendors, photographer, videographer, MUA, emcee, etc.

Luckily all of them very understanding! sooo happyy... since it is one day event, the cost is reduced by 20-25%. yeehhaaa!! alhamdulillah :)

my wedding card is done! tunggu approval mom & dad.. then, boleh print.

*Mode: berangan*

since my wedding hall is located facing the lake, why not I buat nikah tepi tasik (outdoor).. bukan dalam dewan..

so, kena sewa 2 arabic tent or 1 big circle tent yang boleh muat 50-70 people. letak simple dais untuk upacara akad nikah, platform/stage besar about 50-70 people to sit, PA system untuk tok kadi, Mr E & emcee becakap. takkan time nikah orang nak duduk atas kerusi kan. nikah orang salu duduk bersila je. since it is outdoor, takkan nak bagi orang duduk je atas lantai simen & rumput tepi tasik. mestilah ada alas kan. music pun tak perlu rasanya, akad nikah je pun.

time makan, naik dewan la. aircond, sejuk sikit. malas la nak sewa meja kerusi lagi letak kat tepi tasik. nanti kena sewa khemah extra lagi.

mum rasanya takkan setuju idea ni lagi. sebab kena allocate more costs.

kalaulah i dapat kerja, boleh fulfill impian berangan ni :p


♥ Lana ♥


Anis aka Mama Mila said...

Oh my 4 months to go..go go lana!!! love reading ur blog...drop by mine nnt ya :)

Lana Hamdan said...

haha. yes 4 months to go. sebenarnya 3 months++ only left!! OMG. tq. will visit your blog soon.