Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wedding updates!


i've already got my official videographer. forget CST, Manggis, LH Media, Avicenna, etc. I'm in tight budget ok. i bayar sendiri untuk video ni tau. dah la gaji ciput. u imagine how la. i took dosh production. here's the link to look at their works.

okla, i budget RM**** for two events + nikah highlight. so it still within the budget, so okla kot. *berat hati nak hulur duit. haha*

veil nikah dah hantar & did some alterations on my kain nikah. tp i rasa nak beli kain lain, buat balik part kain dia tu. i tak puas hati turn out kain tu. kata bridezilla kan. haha.

okla. tu je. bye!
