salam & hi people :)
i'm positive today. backpain & foot numbness slowly reduced.Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for being so kind and generous to me. Even I'm not a good muslim to deserve little attention from You. I hope this will last forever.
I'm not showing off. I just want to share my little happiness with you. hehe. takut nanti dah kelam kabut, lupa semua. i consider my blog as a diary. mesti lepas kahwin rindu project-project wedding. precious memories.
my doorgift box is something look like this. simple je. box & the gift inside will be sponsored by my dad's friend, Mr. Ah Yau. Alhamdulillah. He is very generous, cool business people,talkative, he is a millionaire at such a young age! he is a millionaire when he was 28! maybe 27?

excuse the quality of the pics. Ah Yau guna bbm je send gambar ni kat i.
I never expect anyone would sponsor me anything. we are not from orang senang family, neither mum's side nor dad's side. we stand on our own feet. my bf's family pun bukan dari orang-orang senang.
forgot to tell you, my bf is orphan. makcik & pakcik dia yang jaga dia dari kecil sampai sekarang. makcik dia sendiri pun ada 9 orang anak kandung + 5 orang anak angkat (my bf's siblings). so you can imagine macam mana life dia dulu.
back to the story, apa i merepek entah. i actually nak doorgfit box like jar bottle. tapi dah orang sponsor, jangan nak demand lebih-lebih la kan. ambil je. isi dia, i letak ferrero roche 2 biji (sebab tak muat nak letak 3 biji). pastu tambah dengan coklat daim kot.
doorgift i prefer bagi makanan then bagi benda mengarut. sebab i selalu buang je kalau dapat pasu ke sudu ke keychain ke apa. -_-
or maybe, I nak letak 1 biji ferrero roche, 1 biji lagi ferrero rondoir. my all time favourite. i can't get enough of this chocolate. totally awesome!! go & buy at your nearest chocolate store!
oooohhhhh... tempting gila.
ni untuk adult gift la. i budget 1000 doorgift box + 2000 chocolate la untuk isi dia. 1000 lagi chocolate standby apa-apa hal. untuk mengelakkan pembaziran, i tak letak TQ tag ke apa bagai. haha. malas gila. lagipun tak tahu nak gantung/lekat kat celah mana tag tu dekat box.
untuk kids, i bagi ni.
i budget dalam 400-500 gifts untuk kids. ratio die half & half. 200 candies, 200 popcorn. macam tu lah. yang ni memang sticker TQ tag dah siap lekat. free with purchase. tapi tak boleh customize la sticker tu design macam mana. ahh, i tak kesah pun. takde pun ok, ada pun takpe.
i order dari Hijrah Crystal (LINK).
InsyaAllah, doorgift box & isi dia will arrive to me +/- 2 weeks before my big day. awal-awal pun payah simpan lama-lama coklat ni. cotton candy & pop corn i request dapat dalam 2-3 days before my big day. takut masuk angin ke apa, payah pula nanti.
I decided not to wear henna on my big day. adat je pun. bukan hukum Islam ok. Mummy cakap ok, nenek cakap ok, belah lelaki pun kata ok. tapi makcik-makcik belah I kata tak ok. makcik-makcik & sepupu bf i pun kata tak ok. ggrrrr... kuku i suka hati la nak letak ke tak kan.
I want french manicure. Fyi, i jarang gila potong kuku *buruk perangai* I like to keep my nails long. I suka tengok kuku panjang dekat jari-jari runcing yang panjang. macam witch. haha.
my mum selalu marah-marah, siap print kat internet bagi i baca, artikel "dosa membela kuku panjang sama seperti dosa memiliki sekandang ekor babi. ha kau. for me, as long i jaga kuku bersih, make sure wuduk kena air kat kuku tu, mandi wajib pay attention kat area tu, takpe la kan. memang la tak elok. kuman kumpul banyak-banyak. but, i keep my nails happy, clean & tidy all the time. i'm a clean freak. i bring hand sanitizer 24/7 with me. i wash hand frequently whenever i touch something.
pasal dosa kuku panjang, i'm not sure about that. hadith tu tak dapat dibuktikan kesahihannya. itu pendapat orang-orang bijak pandai alim ulama'. for me, janganlah samakan kuku dengan sekandang babi. too much. melampau sangat bunyi nya kan. sebab i pernah cari juga hadith Nabi Muhammad s.a.w atau ayat al-Quran yang cakap dosa kuku panjang equal to dosa membela sekandang babi ke tak, tapi tak jumpa pun. so... it's up to us. we are the one who mould ourselves. it just my opinion. please correct if i'm wrong.
some of the french manicure inspirations for my big day..
just nice!
neat, clean, tidy, elegant..

nah, i will never do french manicure like in the above pic on my big day. no no no. my mum will chop my fingers into pieces. haha.
till then lovelies.
. Hugs . hugs . hugs .
♥ Lana ♥
babe!! i followed u back :)
tq etie :)
no prob :) beb, ur wedding sama tarikh ngn i.. nnt xdpt dtg T_T.. huhu.. anyways, congrats! xlama je lg :)
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