Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sakit pinggang III

hi & salam readers.

i met my doctor just now. unlike the previous check up. da la tak check apa-apa, just bagi injection & 4 biji painkiller medications sampai i mabuk high dengan drugs. gila punya doctor.

my mum asked me to go to Klinik Kita, located at Menara Dayabumi, KL. she said, the doctors are quite good, very details & superb service.

I went to see the doctor to complain about my backache. hehe. moreover, I want to do medical check as well. the doctor is a guy. not forget to mention, he is good-looking. it is very rare to see doctor with Prada & Hermes office wear right? yeah, i had found one! he is looking stylish, charismatic, confident, and good looking (again ;p). he is very particular and details in his explanation.

according to him, there is some problem with my spine. all of my answers showed slight symptoms on back spine problem. It may because of I had fell from horse a few times, and the pain accumulated for a some time. the effect is appeared in long term.

yang i ingat, tak pernah lagi i jatuh tak boleh bangun. i siap boleh bangun gela-gelak buat lawak lagi. takde lagi la kes sampai pengsan ke apa. tapi, itu semua ketentuan Allah s.w.t.

yes, i have to meet orthopaedic very soon. my appointment will be on next month at Hospital Putrajaya. my mom suggested me to refer to private hospital which have orthopaedic specialist.

this news totally broke my heart into shattered pieces.
I was speechless.

hope that nothing serious happen to me.

Semoga saya sihat sejahtera fizikal & mental dalam menanti 96 hari lagi.

